There are a few upcoming mobile initiatives and some that have been around a while.
First, some established ones.
- Did you know you can text a librarian?? Yes, you can, during Library Hours:
- Compose SMS/Text message to 66746
- Start message with keyword: pslib
- Send message [Example: pslib can you suggest books about urban legends?]
Or, use the QR code on this page to start your message.
- Are you signed up for the Pellissippi Alerts system? You can get notified by text in the event of weather related college closings or other important news.
- Did you know that you can access your online courses with a mobile interface. Not all of the tools are there, but you can read content, participate in discussions and view your grades.
And coming up this year.
- Nursing students will be using iPads to access textbooks and reference materials on their site rounds
- Web Technologies will be offering a course called Web Design for Mobile Devices (WEB 2700)